Our Services - Business Tax

At MCAS, we employ people who can find the honey pots and avoid the unobserved traps.

We encourage our auditing and accounting staff to have a good working knowledge of the tax system - many of our best ideas are a by-product of other assignments. We have experience in dealing with a range of tax issues including back-tax disputes and questions of fiscal valuations and if instructed, we will give advice in straight forward language.

We provide a comprehensive planning and advisory service covering the following:

  • Corporate tax (IAS 12; income taxes. Law decree 144 "Income Tax" date 12/06/1959 and law decree 44 "New Tax Measures" date 11/11/2008 with all its amendments)
  • International tax (International double tax treaty)
  • Employee benefits (IAS 19; employee benefits. Law decree 144 "Income Tax" date 12/06/1959 and law decree 44 "New Tax Measures" date 11/11/2008 with all its amendments)
  • Employee shares (IFRS 2; Share-based payments)
  • Limited liability partnerships (Law decree 35 "Limited Liability Partnership" date 05/08/1967 with all its amendments)
  • Mergers and acquisitions (IFRS 3; business combinations. Law decree 304 "Commerce Law" date 24/12/1942 with all its amendments)
  • Share valuations (IFRS 13; fair value measurment)
  • Dividends (IAS 33; earnings per share. Law decree 144 "Income Tax" date 12/06/1959 and law decree 44 "New Tax Measures" date 11/11/2008 with all its amendments)
  • VAT (Law decree 379 "Value Added Tax" date 14/12/2001 with all its amendments)
  • Built property tax ("Built Property Tax" law decree date 17/09/1962 with all its amendments)
  • Fixed assets disposal (Article 45 of law decree 144 "Income Tax" date 12/06/1959 with all its amendments)
  • Tax saving under laws and regulations
  • Compliance advice


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What we know about the global financial crisis is that we don't know very much - Paul Samuelson