AURIO System
It gives us immense pleasure to inform you that Merheb Consultancy & Audit Services-MCAS partnership with professional developers has founded the first and most efficient up-to-date Audit Software, “AURIO System”. It is specially tailored to audit firms across Lebanon.
The user-friendly software is designed to generate yearly Audit Reports and financial statements of any Lebanese entity using the online, self-descriptive (Extensible Markup Language-XML) form sheets recently launched by the Ministry of Finance for the Corporate Tax Return declarations. This state of the art software reduce lots of working hours and will improve efficiency in financial reporting to boost productivity in this fast-pace environment.
This new professional reporting tool reflects, once again, our commitment in serving our clients with the best and most skilful way.
Click here to start Download [AurioSetup.exe].
If you find your simulation stops with a file access error, or your anti-virus software blocks or remove AURIO program.
Use the Steps Bellow:
Click here to start Download [AurioSetup.ex-].
To install “AURIO SYSTEM” on your machine proceed as follows:
1. save the attached file “AurioSetup.ex-” on your machine
2. rename the file saved into “AurioSetup.exe” to make it an executable
3. run the executable, a wizard will open, proceed with the steps by clicking “NEXT”
4. choose to create a desktop icon while running the setup:
5. after that click install.
6. Now go to the desktop, and run “AURIO SYSTEM” using the “AURIO” shortcut just created on your desktop.
For any additional information please contact us on:
Metn-Lebanon-Kornet Chehwan
Forum 600 bldg. 2nd floor.
Tel/Fax: +961 4 916 225
Cell : +961 3 497 688